Kutrala Kuravanji
The well-known Tamil poem Kutrala Kuravanji was written by Thirigudarasapa
Kavirayar between 1600 and 1700 CE. The romantic love of Kutralanathar, the
hero who resides in the Kutralam temple in what is now Tamil Nadu and who is
an incarnation of Lord Shiva, is depicted in a dream of a young girl. A fusion of
classical and folk art, "Kuravanji" is a folk-dance drama. The "Kurathi" songs,
which extol the wealth and beauty of her country and the hero of the poetry, are
the most interesting part of my composition. They had resided throughout the
time of this poetry in the highlands of Tamil Nadu, and Kurathi is a local Tamil
woman of a particular clan who is skilled in fortune-telling. They had been
residents of Tamil Nadu's highlands at the time this poetry was written. A girl
named Vasanthavalli, who resides in a small Tamilagam village, is the center of
attention of this Kuravanji. Her pals started telling her stories of Kutrala-
nathar's splendor. These conversations inspire Vasanthavalli to begin having
romantic dreams involving Kutralanathar. Vasanthavalli consults the fortune
teller Kurathi, who forecasts her marriage to Kutralanathar. Vasanthavalli
recounts the splendor of Kutralam, its nearby waterfall, and Kutralanathar in
this significant section of the poem..